Berliner Berliner: Girthy Meat In My Mouth

So, it’s the Lower Haight this time. It’s a Friday early evening in the second half of May. Sunny, yet still cold and windy. That’s a typical San Francisco for you and I should learn better by now. Luckily, I did bring a thick jacket for tonight. It’s still a quiet neighborhood. The occasional MUNI bus passes through both Haight Street and Fillmore Street. Not that many cars come through the area, which keeps this neighborhood low-key. People are out on the sidewalks heading to a nearby restaurant or bar. I’m only going to be hanging out here for a short bit. I have another destination tonight to meet up with friends again. As usual, I’m here for the food. Tonight, I’m sitting on a stool with my girlfriend at Berliner Berliner.   

This sausage restaurant began on Halloween 2019 by Christine Blunck, who worked at the well-known sausage spot Rosamunde since its beginning in 1998. In fact, it took over the space previously occupied by Rosamunde in the Lower Haight. The grills are still occupying the same space as Rosamundes. Like its predecessor, they also work closely with Tornonado next door. Chachkies are strewn around this hole in the wall. A noticeable amount of framed pictures of Berlin decorate the space. A few board games sit on some of the available flat surfaces, although I can’t imagine anyone busting them out and playing them. There’s only enough room for whatever you ordered. The stools are only a few inches apart from each other. Seriously, why are there board games here? I know, it’s an odd thing to be fixated on, but it just doesn’t make any sense to me. Whatever, we all know I’m why I’m solely here for. This is my second time here and I’ve been looking forward to coming back. 

I’m currently having their Mighty Beer, which is their spicy beer sausage topped with sauteed onions, sweet hot peppers, relish, sauerkraut, beef chili, mustard, and ketchup in between two buns. Yep, it doesn’t disappoint and it’s damn delicious. The sausage itself is juicy, spicy, and grilled to perfection. I love the mess of toppings, bringing in savoriness, some sweetness, and more spiciness. Everything interplays with one another and it just fucking works. My only small issue is that the bun is a bit weak and starting to fall apart from all the stuff in between and on top, but it’s manageable and is made up for by its deliciousness. It also helps that it’s reasonably priced. Yeah, I want to be a regular here. 

Mighty Beer

I needed this. I need food that is going to be reliably satisfying. This past week gave me a swift kick in the ass. I despise the idea of having to deal with difficult people for the rest of the week. I don’t know how others have to deal with shit people on a regular basis. Do shitty people know that they practice shitty behavior? I’m seriously asking this question. I think life would be a bit easier if people just admit that they don’t give a fuck about others, openly saying, “I don’t care about you and your problems. I want to make your life as difficult as possible. I love myself and you can go fuck yourself.” I’m tired again and enough is fucking enough. I wish I can regularly tell people who deserve it to shut the fuck up without consequences. Life would be so much easier if that was the case. 

It’s the start of the weekend and I should relax and forget about things. I will be seeing friends again, so I have that at least. And I’m enjoying a delicious sausage. I hope it’s a good weekend. Life continues to get tiring and I continue to work through it like everyone else. It would be great if people can hibernate, just spend several months sleeping and not have to think about anything at all. I’d imagine it would solve a lot of problems, but we don’t. We’re not bears. Anyways, time to seek out more distractions. Until next time.